Changes to HomozygosityMapper
HomozygosityMapper will remain in service and
we recommend to use this tool for SNP array-based studies
User profiles created on www.homozygositymapper.org before 15 Dec 2020 were transferred.
Due to the changes, old HomozygosityMapper projects cannot be accessed from AutozygosityMapper.
The old version can still be used at
Sample workflow in AutozygosityMapper
New features in AutozygosityMapper
Direct transfer to MutationDistiller to identify pathogenic variants (human)
Real genotypes are saved for NGS and SNP chip genotypes
Homozygous/autozygous blocks are now calculated using their physical length
Search for autozygosity (in addition to mere homozygosity)
Homozygous regions can be exported as VCF file for further analysis
New human Affymetrix SNP arrays: Axiom_Exome_1A, Axiom_Exome319, Axiom_GW_EAS, Axiom_GW_EUR, Axiom_GW_HuOrigin, Axiom_GW_LAT, Axiom_GW_PanAFR
New non-human Affymetrix SNP arrays: Axiom_MouseHD
Please note that support for SNP arrays in AutozygosityMapper is limited, we recommend using
New user interfaces
Direct display of chosen coordinates or genes
Clear separation between array and NGS data in the upload interface
Available sample IDs are now shown in the analysis interface
Email notification for logged-in users after successful upload / analysis
Automatic retrieval of lost login credentials by email
faster analysis, especially for VCF files
Mandatory use of https
After the last HomozygosityMapper publication
Data sharing: auto-completion for user accounts
Removed functions
Support for SNP arrays in AutozygosityMapper is limited, we recommend using
Display of homozygosity enrichment/depletion (was only possible for SNP chips and lead to confusion)
Display of allele frequencies in controls (was only possible for SNP chips and lead to confusion)
'Genetic hetereogeneity' analysis mode (slowed the application) - replaced by the new autozygosity mode
Support for Illumina arrays (temporarily, will be restored soon)
Adding of new genotypes to existing projects (drastically slowed the application)
Please contact us if one of these features was important for your work and you want it restored.
We are working on making genome build GRCh38 available.
There is currently an issue with Illumina SNP arrays, we are woking on fixing it but recommend
for SNP arrays anyway.
New feature: explicit search for variants without genotypes in the affected individuals to identify homozygous deletions