HomozygosityMapper - statistics (2025228)
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users |
2,695 |
human |
| projects |
29,196 |
| 1 M markers |
1,308 |
| 800 k markers |
836 |
| 500 k markers |
1,902 |
| 250 k markers |
4,117 |
| 50 k markers |
16,976 |
| 10 k markers |
1,663 |
| <10 k markers |
2,170 |
| 0 markers |
224 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
46,195,217,085 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
26,265,517,320 |
| analyses |
47,030 |
cow |
| projects |
46 |
| 1 M markers |
6 |
| 800 k markers |
2 |
| 500 k markers |
7 |
| 250 k markers |
1 |
| 50 k markers |
20 |
| 10 k markers |
3 |
| <10 k markers |
3 |
| 0 markers |
4 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
1,082,080,699 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
937,067,706 |
| analyses |
161 |
dog |
| projects |
138 |
| 50 k markers |
119 |
| 10 k markers |
14 |
| <10 k markers |
5 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
167,311,707 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
1,093,054 |
| analyses |
401 |
horse |
| projects |
16 |
| 1 M markers |
6 |
| 500 k markers |
1 |
| 250 k markers |
1 |
| 50 k markers |
4 |
| 10 k markers |
2 |
| <10 k markers |
1 |
| 0 markers |
1 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
347,995,175 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
281,000,799 |
| analyses |
42 |
mouse |
| projects |
9 |
| 500 k markers |
1 |
| 250 k markers |
3 |
| 50 k markers |
1 |
| <10 k markers |
4 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
41,097,833 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
2,996,304 |
| analyses |
15 |
rat |
| projects |
5 |
| 50 k markers |
5 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
2,599,396 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
2,599,396 |
| analyses |
5 |
sheep |
| projects |
8 |
| 500 k markers |
3 |
| 250 k markers |
1 |
| 50 k markers |
4 |
| genotypes (approx.) |
66,639,041 |
| VCF genotypes (approx.) |
22,548,141 |
| analyses |
43 |
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